Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today is not a good day, I am an emotional wreck! It was my cousins baby shower- and I love them dearly- I was very happy to be there, I made the baby a blanket and I was lucky enough to get in some cuddle time while I fed her. Then it came time for the gifts to be opened, my job was to write what was given on the inside of the cards- the gifts were all so cute- and I found myself almost tearing up- I was wishing I had a little bundle of joy and that my house was full of all of these things. I also had to answer so many questions about when DH and I were planning on having kids- all of my cousins that are my age are married and have at least 1 baby... some are even on #2... I am the only one with none :(

I also started my metformin today- and my tummy is feeling kinda upset... I took it right after supper- just one today! I will build up to 3 a day over the next 2-3 weeks. The benefits sound really good... but I am a little nervous about the side effects!

I haven't O'd yet, but the line is getting darker on the OPK's... not quiet as dark or darker than the reference line, but it is getting there! DH and I are trying to BD almost every day... I don't want to miss any chances!!

I am really not looking forward to the upcoming week- its going to be so busy- some things in a good way, some things not so much! I am heading to my aunts house tomorrow to carve pumpkins with my little cousin and god-daughter- I am really looking forward to that- they always put me in a good mood... and my aunt is wonderful- I can talk to her about anything and everything!

I hope everyone has a great Monday- and I will update again soon!

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