Thursday, October 25, 2007

I just got back to work from my follow up appointment with my doctor. She said I am reacting well to the Clomid, which I already knew. And she thinks I am just ovulating a little late this month- which it totally normal she said! She seemed impressed that I know so much about PCOS and my own condition- she liked how much I was trying to take control of the situation and how detailed my charts are!

We talked about the Clomid and the side effects, as well as how I am feeling in general. I told her I am really tired, getting wicked hot flashes and constantly feel bloated and fat. I eat good, exercise, and am still gaining weight- I am also breaking out- so I pretty much just feel gross and feel like there is nothing I can do about it!! She decided to try me on Metformin- see how I react to it and if it makes any difference. She told me I might feel sick for the first while I am on it, but to gradually increase my dose to 3 times a day. She is also sending me for a 2 hr glucose test tomorrow. I have to be at the lab by 8am and I have to fast for 8-10 hours before! I am not diabetic and I thought that only diabetics were perscribed metformin... I am going to do a little bit of research on this- if anyone reading has any knowledge about this I would love it if you would share!!

I will update after my glucose test tomorrow and my first metformin pill- which I can only take after I get the test done!


Mrs. Brand said...

Hey girl, I have PCOS too. I'm not diabetic either, but Metformin is also used to help lower the testosterone level. Metformin can also help you drop pounds if you are trying to.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Brand said...

Since you are just starting out, take it before you go to bed. That way the s/e will be minimal. I have a very upset stomache and diarea if I eat a bunch of carbs or sugar.

If your dr wants you on a dose of 1500mg. Start with 500mg right before bed. Then a week to two weeks later, one at dinner and one at bed. Then a week to two weeks later, take one at dinner and two before bed. OR one in the am, one at dinner and one before bed.

Let me know if you need anything else.