Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still no O

I am waiting, not so paitently to ovulate... Why haven't I?? Last month on the same dose I ovulated on day 14... I am now on day 17 and still nothing- not even a positive OPK.

So we recieved the invitation to my DH's 16 year old cousins babies baptism... they are inviting the entire family- I bet about 80 people- and they rented a hall... I can't believe it! I don't think DH and I would even have a party that big!

Today was a pretty crappy day... I got a speeding ticket on my way home from work and my cookies didn't turn out- both of those things added to a really long day and to top it all off I am getting a cold!

Tomorrow I have a regular follow up with my OBGYN... she just wants to know how things are going and to review all of my charts!

I will update again soon!

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