Monday, September 10, 2007

Started Clomid today

I got the call from my Dr about 10am this morning telling me that beta was negative and to start the Clomid. I took my first dose (100mg) this morning... I feel bloated this afternoon, but that could just be from lunch and all the water I have been drinking!!

Like I have mentioned before I am scared to do this, scared of what the side effects will be, but mostly scared that it wont work! I am so scared that we will have to do more than the Clomid, and I am really scared that nothing will work!

I want nothing more than to be a mom.. it seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant... people keep saying its contagious, its in the water... I stick close and don't catch it, I drink the water, and it doesn't work!!

I am having a bad day, I am grouchy and I am tired!! I want today to be over, I don't want to play ball tonight and have to be happy and cheery... I want my bed!! I really just want this all to be over, I want to be a mom!!


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