Friday, September 7, 2007

Next Steps...

I just got back from my appointment, it was scheduled for 10:50, but she had a delivery and I waiting an hour and a bit in her waiting room with a bunch of pregnant women!! When I finally got in she looked at my charts and notes and said that I didn't have enough lining to start a period, which is why the Prometrium didn't work! She sent me for a Beta to be 100% that I am not pregnant (she is 99% sure I am not) and she decided to start me off on 100mg of Clomid right away, skip trying at 50mg. They will call me Monday morning to confirm I am not pregnant and then I will take my first pill.

I am a little nervous to start the Clomid, more so now that I am starting at 100mg! I read about all of the nasty side effects from the girls on the nest... I really hope they are not too bad!

If any of you have taken it how soon do they start? Are they really that bad??

Have a lovely day everyone!!


Busted said...

I did one cycle of Clomid at 50mg. It wasn't successful (I don't think I O'd) but an u/s did show a mature follicle, and I had practically zero side effects. Just some mild ovary pain - so mild I would describe it more as a twinge than pain. Not everyone gets the side effects, you may be fine. I took it right before bed, which helped I think.

-Schmoodle (

We have Angel Wings said...

My RE didn't even bother with 50mg of Clomid either. I responded really well to the 100mg, but no pregnancy.

Honestly, Clomid makes me hot and bitchy...that's about it.

I hope it works for you. Sending you lots of luck!
