Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I hate the 2ww

I officially hate the 2ww... they are the worst 2 weeks of the whole cycle... considering every little thing a symptom, watching what I eat and drink, watching my temps- waiting for a dip, looking at my CM for any sight of bleeding... I am going crazy!!

I don't know how many times I have googled "symptoms 3 DPO", "4 DPO", "5 DPO".... I think I will seriously put my self in the loony bin!

I am 6 DPO now and if I were to talk about my "symptoms" they are: Very sore bb's, very tired, increased trips to the potty, high temps, headaches, bad skin breakout... and I think thats it! I don't know if any of those are in fact symptoms, but my mind wanders during these 2 weeks!! I am also not sure when I should test... fertilityfriend says on the 6th... I am going Oktoberfesting on the 5th and don't plan on drinking, but I suppose I could test that morning (15 DPO) and drink if its a BFN to cheer myself up after that bad news? I hope its a BFP though!!

I have also found myself comparing charts on - I am sad and pathetic, lol. Speaking of fertilityfriend, I had never ventured onto their community boards before, but today I did and I discovered a group of ladies who all O'd on the same day. They all post their "symptoms" to compare- it fits right in with me over analyzing everything- I can do it with back up now, lol.

Well I have to run, my best friend is coming over for dinner, which I burned and am now making a new meal!

I hope anyone reading has a great day, and if you feel like it, indulge me on any 2ww symptoms you have heard of for people who actually get a BFP at the end!

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