Sunday, September 30, 2007

I am just miserable tonight!!! Tonight DH and I went to my parents for dinner and I was horribly miserable and snappy- I feel bad for those around me! Us trying for a baby came up, and my sister really pissed me off... she said that this is Gods way of saying its not our time, and we prob don't even really need the meds, that it will just happen one day. She said we shouldn't spend any money trying for kids, it will just happen! It took all I had to not freak out on her!!

On the way home I lost it with DH, I let it all out, how much I want to be pregnant, how much I hate the HPT's, OPK's, charting, everything! I told him he just doesn't get it, its not his fault we are going through this, its mine! Poor guy didn't know what to do or say, as soon as we got home he just pulled me into a tight hug and said it would all be ok!

I am going to try and relax and enjoy some seasons premiers on TV tonight... I really want to blank out and not think about anything tonight!!

1 comment:

Busted said...

I'm so sorry - that sucks that your sister said that to you! This is hard, but we will all get through it.

-Busted (